These are the members of the team at present
.. from left to right Fred , Wesley , Angel , Cordelia and Gunn !!!!!

Kate ( Detective) |

An undercover detective, Kate formed
an alliance with Angel at first but she was totally freaked to hear that he was a vampire and blamed him for her fathers death
as he was killed by a vampire. Kate threatened to kill Angel when he protected Faith from arrest, she also became really obsessed
with the supernatural goes on and got fired from the police force. She tried to commit suicide but Angel saved her and that
was the turning point for them both.
Lorne |

The green singing machine left his native Pylea because there was no music there. He is the
owner and host of a demon nightclub until Angel and his friends burn the place down once too often. After his trip back to
Pylea which reminds him on why he left, Lorne moves to Vegas for a while, but returns to the hyperion in time to be surrogate
uncle to Conner, he also reads people's minds at critical moments, offers warm fuzzies, supernatural advice and cool music.
Fred played by |

rescued Fred from a cave in Pylea, where she had been hiding from slavery. She has blossomed into an essential member of the
team while using her scientific ways, also her ability to kick butt while looking like a meek little nerd. She chooses Gunn's
love over Wesley's, causing an awkward triangle, but her relationship with Gunn is rocked with guilt when she and Gunn take
revenge on the professor who sent her to Pylea. Fred is the first to recognise Jasmine's true nature and to discover
how to free her friends from Jasmine's spell.
Conner played by "Vincent Kartheis |

Angels (Son) |
time went by Angel had a child to Darla, but he got kidnap when he was a baby and taken into a time warp so when he returned
he was a young man that had hatred for Angel because thats the way he was brought up by one of Angels enemies, so on return
he came back with a mission to kill Angel. Wesley betrayed Angel so no one has anything to do with him now and Fred goes out
with Gunn and Angel has feelings for Cordy who is now half demon. What happens next we don't know but let's hope its something
good we will have to wait for next season...
Lilah employed at Wolfram & Hart |

Lilah has been involved in every kind of Wolfram &
Hart mayhem, having Drusilla sire Darla again, and sleeping with Wesley. When W&H was devastated by the Beast. Lilah took
refuge at the Hyperion only to be murdered by Cordelia. She now serves W&H in the afterlife.
Good Girls ( Drusilla & Darla ) |

Bad Girls ( Drusilla & Darla as Vampires) |
