"A snowy winter in a log cabin"
'Snowball fights throughout the day'
'Warm fires are glowing, to warm
the chills away'
'The heat from the fire, gently warming
us through'
'Warm hearts beat, with true love through and through'
light flickers to the beat of a heart'
love for another never driven apart'
'Cold hands from the snow,
fingers red to the tips'
'Then along is your
lover to kiss your chilled lips'
'Two hearts
beat as one since time first began'
'I give you my heart as a token of love'
'My love for you
is bigger than the sky up above'
'These words can be heard from many
people around'
'True love is there always to be found'
'With hearts
still beating, they are soon to be wed'
the wedding the horses are led'
honeymoon, to follow is one of joy'
to follow the birth of a boy'
'After a while a girl is to follow'
'I give you my heart forever each day'
I ask is for you to return in the same way'
'My love for you is the strongest feeling ever'
'My hearts yours forever and ever'
'My love for you will never change'
how, no way, never.'
by Anne