"The Witch"
"Teacher's Pet"
"Never Kill a Boy on the First Date"
"The Pack"
"Prophecy Girl"
"When She Was Bad"
"School Hard"
"Inca Mummy Girl"
"Reptile Boy"
"Twilight Zone," Get Ready
"Already Met You," Stoner lover
"Stoner Love," Stoner Lover
"Rotten Apple," Halo
"Let the Sun Fall Down," Kim Richey
"Junky Girl," Rubber
"Strong," Groovy Side
"Treason," Groovy Side
"Job's Eyes," Tin Cans with Strings to you
"I'll Remember You," Sophie Zelmani
"Inconsolable," Plumb
"I Fall to Please," The Patsy Cline Story
"Spoon," Super Relax
"Sugar Water," Viva! La Woman
"It Doesn't Matter," So Long So Wrong
"1000 Nights," Stupid Thing
"Stupid Thing," Stupid Thing
"Shadows," Four Star Mary
"Fate," Four Star Mary
"Bring Me On," Delta Zeta Kappa
"She," Gravity, Suffering, Love and Fate
"Shy," Epperley
2 Unlimited
Three Day Wheely
Kim Richey
Velvet Chain
Sophie Zelmani
Jonatha Brooks & The Story
Patsy Cline
Cibo Matto
Alison Krauss & Union Station
Four Star Mary
Act of Faith
Louie Says